
Blog Tour: Flip Turns by Catherine Arguelles (Spotlight!)

Posted September 12, 2022 by Kaity in Book Tours, Spotlight / 0 Comments

Blog Tour: Flip Turns by Catherine Arguelles (Spotlight!)

Happy Monday and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for FLIP TURNS by Catherine Arguelles! I’m so excited because today I get to shine the spotlight on this wonderful book for you! This book is truly amazing and I’m so excited to for you to find out more about it!

Blog Tour: Flip Turns by Catherine Arguelles (Spotlight!)Flip Turns by Catherine Arguelles
Published on September 13, 2022 by Jolly Fish Press
Genres: Contemporary, Middle Grade
Pages: 272
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Author Links: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram

Thirteen-year-old Maddie just wants her classmate, Lucas, to leave her alone. He keeps asking her out—as if she hasn’t already said no a thousand times! Focusing on her competitive swim team, the Electric Eels, Maddie tries to ignore him, hoping he’ll go away.
But then, when someone starts sabotaging Maddie’s family-owned pool—glass on the deck, ketchup in the pool, followed by a “code brown”—Maddie worries it’s her “admirer” trying to get even. After Maddie’s parents rule the problems at the pool just harmless pranks, Maddie and her best friend Ez decide to investigate on their own. Could it be Lucas? And how can Maddie get him to leave her alone once and for all? The future of the Electric Eels and Maddie’s family legacy are on the line.

About Catherine Arguelles

Before writing novels, Catherine earned a BA in English with a minor in Women’s Studies, and a MA in Psychology, Counseling. She has worked as a counselor with middle school students, a fundraiser for non-profits, and is the proud parent of two feminist readers. She lives in Northern California and her favorite event was once the 100-yard backstroke.

What do you think about Flip Turns? Have you added it to your tbr yet? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous day!

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