
Top Ten Tuesday | August 25, 2020

Posted August 25, 2020 by Kaity in Bookish Memes, Top Ten Tuesday / 10 Comments

Happy Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday is a Bookish Meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, and this week’s theme is QUESTIONS I WOULD ASK MY FAVORITE AUTHORS!

I have been incredibly lucky in this regard, and over the past three years I’ve had the opportunity to interview almost a hundred authors on Kait Plus Books! Even though I’ve interviewed dozens of authors, I tend to stick to the same, or similar, questions. I’ve listed the most common ones here with a list of all the authors who answered them. Because it would take far more time than I currently have to go through and link up everything the way I had originally wanted to, I’m going to link to my interview category and let you choose which interviews you want to read. And now without any further ado, here’s this week’s Top Ten Tuesday!


If you could trade lives with any YA character for a day, who would it be and why? What about a week? A month, year, or forever? 

Answered by: Christina Hammonds Reed, Hanna C. Howard, Vicky Skinner, Danielle Banas, Syed M. Masood, Jennifer Honeybourn, Samantha Hastings, Victoria McCombs, Elizabeth Lim, Tanaz Bhathena, Veronica Rossi, Kalyn Josephson, Rebecca Ross, Cindy Anstey, Natalie Mae, Lillian Clark, Luanne G. Smith, Morgan Shamy, Melissa de la Cruz, Margaret Stohl, Sara Fujimura, Swati Teerdhala, Breeana Shields, Adiba Jaigirdar, Don Zolidis, and Jodie Lynn Zdrok.


What would you do if you spent the day with your main character(s)? Where would you go to eat, hang out, relax, etc.? 

Answered by: Christina Hammonds Reed, Hanna C. Howard, Vicky Skinner, Danielle Banas, Syed M. Masood, Jennifer Honeybourn, Samantha Hastings, Victoria McCombs, Elizabeth Lim, Tanaz Bhathena, Veronica Rossi, Rebecca Ross, Cindy Anstey, Natalie Mae, Lillian Clark, Luanne G. Smith, Morgan Shamy, Melissa de la Cruz, Margaret Stohl, Sara Fujimura, Swati Teerdhala, Breeana Shields, Adiba Jaigirdar, Don Zolidis, Jodie Lynn Zdrok, Crystal Cestari, Diana Urban, Mary Cecilia Jackson, Lexa Hillyer, Victoria Lee, Alma Katsu, Jessika Fleck, Courtney C. Stevens, Prerna Pickett, Joanna Hathaway, Kaitlin Ward, Katya de Becerra, Jacqueline Firkins, Sara Ella, Bree Barton, Rin Chupeco, Lauren Spieller, Moïra Fowley-Doyle, Sarah Henning, Kalyn Josephson, Erin Bowman, Mary Fan, Kit Frick, Claire Kann, Jen Wilde, Sasha Alsberg, Jacqueline West, Heather Hepler, and Amanda Foody.


If your main character(s) were to hang out with characters from other YA books, who would they be and why?

Answered by: Christina Hammonds Reed, Hanna C. Howard, Vicky Skinner, Danielle Banas, Syed M. Masood, Jennifer Honeybourn, Samantha Hastings, Victoria McCombs, Elizabeth Lim, Tanaz Bhathena, Veronica Rossi, Rebecca Ross, Cindy Anstey, Natalie Mae, Lillian Clark, Luanne G. Smith, Morgan Shamy, Melissa de la Cruz, Margaret Stohl, Sara Fujimura, Swati Teerdhala, Breeana Shields, Adiba Jaigirdar, Don Zolidis, Jodie Lynn Zdrok, Crystal Cestari, Diana Urban, Mary Cecilia Jackson, Victoria Lee, Kaitlyn Davis, Alma Katsu, Claire Eliza Bartlett, Jessika Fleck, Sara Hosey, Courtney C. Stevens, Sara Holland, Tricia Levenseller, Elana K. Arnold, Lani Forbes, Prerna Pickett, Joanna Hathaway, Dee Garretson, Kaitlin Ward, Katya de Becerra, Jacqueline Firkins, Elizabeth Tammi, Sara Ella, Bree Barton, Rin Chupeco, Kim Chance, Lauren Spieller, Moïra Fowley-Doyle, Sarah Henning, Kalyn Josephson, Erin Bowman, Mary Fan, Kit Frick, Mindee Arnett, Anna Bright, and Claire Kann.


What was your favorite bit of research you ended up not using?

Answered by: Christina Hammonds Reed, Hanna C. Howard, Vicky Skinner, Danielle Banas, Syed M. Masood, Jennifer Honeybourn, Samantha Hastings, Victoria McCombs, Elizabeth Lim, Tanaz Bhathena, Veronica Rossi, Rebecca Ross, Cindy Anstey, Lillian Clark, Luanne G. Smith, Melissa de la Cruz, Margaret Stohl, Swati Teerdhala, Breeana Shields, Adiba Jaigirdar, Don Zolidis, Jodie Lynn Zdrok, Diana Urban, Mary Cecilia Jackson, Lexa Hillyer, Victoria Lee, Kaitlyn Davis, Alma Katsu, Claire Eliza Bartlett, Jessika Fleck, Courtney C. Stevens, Sara Holland, Tricia Levenseller, Lani Forbes, Prerna Pickett, Joanna Hathaway, Dee Garretson, Elizabeth Tammi, Nina Varela, Kim Chance, Sarah Henning, Kalyn Josephson, Mary Fan, Mindee Arnett, Anna Bright, and Rebecca Podos.


What is your favorite quote, scene, or moment from your book?

Answered by: Christina Hammonds Reed, Hanna C. Howard, Vicky Skinner, Danielle Banas, Syed M. Masood, Jennifer Honeybourn, Samantha Hastings, Victoria McCombs, Elizabeth Lim, Tanaz Bhathena, Veronica Rossi, Kalyn Josephson, Rebecca Ross, Cindy Anstey, Natalie Mae, Luanne G. Smith, Morgan Shamy, Melissa de la Cruz, Margaret Stohl, Sara Fujimura, Jodie Lynn Zdrok, Crystal Cestari, Diana Urban, Mary Cecilia Jackson, Lexa Hillyer, Victoria Lee, Kaitlyn Davis, Alma Katsu, Claire Eliza Bartlett, Jessika Fleck, Sara Hosey, Courtney C. Stevens, Sara Holland, Tricia Levenseller, Elana K. Arnold, Lani Forbes, Prerna Pickett, Joanna Hathaway, Dee Garretson, Kaitlin Ward, Katya de Becerra, Jacqueline Firkins, Elizabeth Tammi, Sara Ella, Bree Barton, Adrianne Strickland, Rosiee Thor, Rin Chupeco, Lauren Mansy, Nina Varela, and Laura E. Weymouth.


Were there alternate endings you considered, or did you always know where the story was headed?

Answered by: Hanna C. Howard, Vicky Skinner, Danielle Banas, Syed M. Masood, Jennifer Honeybourn, Samantha Hastings, Victoria McCombs, Elizabeth Lim, Tanaz Bhathena, and Kalyn Josephson.


What inspired you to write your book?

Answered by: Taylor Hale, Lillian Clark, Jodie Lynn Zdrok, Diana Urban, Mary Cecilia Jackson, Alma Katsu, Courtney C. Stevens, Elana K. Arnold, Prerna Pickett, Joanna Hathaway, Katya de Becerra, Jacqueline Firkins, Rin Chupeco, Lauren Mansy, Laura E. Weymouth, Kim Chance, Lauren Spieller, Moïra Fowley-Doyle, Jennifer Honeybourn, Mindee Arnett, Anna Bright, Rebecca Podos, Jen Wilde, Sasha Alsberg, Jacqueline West, Heather Hepler, and Amanda Foody.


Can you share some things that we might not know about your characters?

Answered by: Veronica Rossi, Kalyn Josephson, Rebecca Ross, Natalie Mae, Swati Teerdhala, Breeana Shields, Adiba Jaigirdar, Jodie Lynn Zdrok, Diana Urban, Lexa Hillyer, Victoria Lee, Kaitlyn Davis, Alma Katsu, Claire Eliza Bartlett, Jessika Fleck, Sara Hosey, Courtney C. Stevens, Sara Holland, Tricia Levenseller, Lani Forbes, Prerna Pickett, Joanna Hathaway, Elizabeth Tammi, Bree Barton, Adrianne Strickland, Rosiee Thor, Nina Varela, and Laura E. Weymouth.


What books would you recommend to your main character(s)? 

Answered by: Cindy Anstey, Luanne G. Smith, Melissa de la Cruz, Margaret Stohl, Dee Garretson, Kaitlin Ward, Kim Chance, Mindee Arnett, Anna Bright, and Rebecca Podos.


How did you choose the names for your characters?

Answered by: Swati Teerdhala, Victoria Lee, Kaitlyn Davis, Claire Eliza Bartlett, Jessika Fleck, Sara Hosey, Sara Holland, Lani Forbes, Bree Barton, Laura E. Weymouth, Kim Chance, Sarah Henning, Kalyn Josephson, Samantha Hastings, Mary Fan, Mindee Arnett, Anna Bright, and Rebecca Podos.


How do you feel about LGBTQIA+ rep in your work and how important is it to you to write diverse characters and storylines?

Answered by: Adiba Jaigirdar, Crystal Cestari, Adrianne Strickland, Rosiee Thor, Nina Varela, Kit Frick, Claire Kann, and Rebecca Podos.


Which of your characters do you identify with the most and why?

Answered by: Crystal Cestari, Elizabeth Tammi, Adrianne Strickland, Rosiee Thor, Nina Varela, Erin Bowman, and Kit Frick.


Do you write to music? If so, what were you listening to while you wrote your book?

Answered by: Lexa Hillyer, Tricia Levenseller, Jacqueline Firkins, and Sara Ella.


What are some TV shows, movies, and books that would pair well with your book?

Answered by: Tricia Levenseller, Katya de Becerra, Elizabeth Tammi, Adrianne Strickland, Rosiee Thor, Nina Varela, Laura E. Weymouth, Jennifer Honeybourn, Samantha Hastings, Mary Fan, Kit Frick, and Claire Kann.


What are your current favorite books?

Answered by: Dee Garretson, Kaitlin Ward, Jacqueline Firkins, Bree Barton, Laura E. Weymouth, Lauren Spieller, Moïra Fowley-Doyle, Sarah Henning, Jennifer Honeybourn, Kalyn Josephson, Samantha Hastings, Erin Bowman, Mary Fan, Claire Kann, and Rebecca Podos.


What are some questions you’d like to ask your favorite authors? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous week!

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10 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday | August 25, 2020

  1. It’s cool that you actually got to ask your questions to so many authors! I couldn’t even imagine ever getting a chance to talk to any author on my list :p I love the question about favorite research that wasn’t used. That’s such a cool insight to get. I will definitely have too check out some of these interviews!
    Nikki @The Night is Dark and Full of Books recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #31 || Questions I have for certain authors after reading their bookMy Profile

  2. Poinsettia

    Nice list! You came up with some great questions. I’m curious if authors write to music as well. I wonder if it would be helpful or distracting? Here is our Top Ten Tuesday

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