Happy Tuesday and welcome to my stop on the Oasis blog tour!! Today I have an interview with Katya de Becerra to share with you! Read on to discover Katya’s favorite scene from her book, which YA characters Alif would hang out with if she could, plus follow the rest of the tour and enter to win a print copy of Oasis!

Published on January 7, 2020 by Imprint
Genres: YA, Science Fiction
Pages: 320
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Alif had exciting summer plans: working on her father’s archeological dig site in the desert with four close friends ... and a very cute research assistant. Then the sandstorm hit.
Their camp wiped away, Alif and the others find themselves lost on the sands, seemingly doomed ... until they find the oasis. It has everything they need: food, water, and shade—and mysterious ruins that hide a deadly secret. As reality begins to shift around them, they question what’s real and what’s a mirage.
The answers turn Alif and her friends against each other, and they begin to wonder if they’ve truly been saved. And while it was easy to walk into the oasis, it may be impossible to leave ...
What was the inspiration for Oasis?
My love for archaeology, adventure movies, and my impressions from a recent trip to Dubai. It all came together when I decided to take part in NaNoWriMo 2014. That’s when I wrote the very first draft of Oasis. I think it was fate that I would one day write a book set in the desert.
Do you have a favorite scene, quote, or moment from Oasis?
My favorite scene is the ending of this book. I took me some time to get it right, but I’m happy with how it turned out.
If Alif were to hang out with characters from other YA books, who would they be and why?
I think Alif would get along with Hayden and Del from my debut, What the Woods Keep. All three of them are thoughtful, smart girls, and I think they’ll have a lot to talk about.
What would you do if you spent the day with Alif and her friends? Where would you go to eat, hang out, relax, etc.?
If I were to hang out with Alif and Co after the events that take place in Oasis, we’d probably stick to indoor places as far away from deserts and the blazing sun as we can. Though, I guess, since we’re Australian, we might still venture out to the beach, though only after putting on SPF50 sunblock all over.
What are some TV Shows, Movies, and Books that would pair well with your book?
Oasis could be a perfect book for fans of Lost and Twilight Zone. I also think of Oasis as having some of that mind-bending, surreal feel of Donnie Darko. Though, most books and movies that question the nature of reality would pair well with Oasis. Think Jeff VanderMeer’s Annihilation and short stories of Jorge Luis Borges (particularly, The Aleph).
Katya de Becerra was born in Russia, studied in California, lived in Peru, and then stayed in Australia long enough to become a local. She was going to be an Egyptologist when she grew up, but instead she earned a PhD in Anthropology and now works as a university lecturer and a researcher. Katya is a short version of her real name, which is very long and gets mispronounced a lot. What The Woods Keep was her first novel (out now), which is followed by another standalone Oasis in 2020. She has also authored and co-authored academic articles, book chapters, guest posts and opinion pieces.
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