Happy Friday and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for THE INFAMOUS FRANKIE LORDE: NO ADMISSIONS by Brittany Geragotelis! I’m so excited because today I have an excerpt of the book to share with you! This book is truly amazing and I’m so excited to for you to find out more about it!

Series: The Infamous Frankie Lorde #3
Published on October 18, 2022 by Pixel+ink
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery, Thriller, YA
Pages: 304
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Author Links: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, Instagram
When Frankie discovers that a classmate’s invention has been stolen the day before a school-wide competition, the once-renowned international thief figures she might as well flex her skills to steal it back. But just when Frankie’s about to call her mission a success, she learns there’s more to the story than she’d originally thought.
A group of wealthy Greenwich parents are using their influence- and wallets- to guarantee that their kids get into the most exclusive institutions on the East coast, no matter how undeserving their kids are, or how far they have to go to ensure success.
Easy peasy for Frankie to crack. Until she gets to know these classmates of hers... and their parents... and everyone's real motivations and issues. Frankie sets the bar higher, to take the scam down from the top. The guy who's been hired to get the kids into their desired schools: "Mr. Admissions."

Of all our plans, this was by far the craziest.
And it’s my own fault. I never should’ve agreed in the first place. But Ollie had guilted me into it, insisting that I never let him take the lead in our schemes.
Which was true.
But there was a good reason why. . . . I was simply better at it than he was.
This wasn’t an ego thing. It was an irrefutable fact.
Fact: I was the daughter of the most notorious international thief the past decade had seen.
Fact: I had been the only real partner-in-crime my dad had had since my mom.
Fact: Dad had taught me everything he’d known.
Fact: Now that Dad was in prison for our past heists, I was the only one left to carry on his legacy—minus the whole getting caught part.
True, it was also a fact that since coming to live in Greenwich, Connecticut, months ago, I’d taken my now best friend, Ollie, under my wing and begun to teach him the art of thievery.
And while it was also true that we’d already planned and carried out two big jobs together—successfully, I might add—Ollie was nowhere near my level of expertise yet.
But that was ultimately why I’d agreed to his plan in the end. It was low-stakes stuff. Sure, we could get in trouble if we were caught, but we wouldn’t end up in prison or anything.
Well, it was unlikely that we would, anyway.
Still, I felt the need to say something before we got in too deep.
“This isn’t going to work,” I whispered to Ollie through the dark.
“Shhhh!” Ollie hissed back. “You’re going to jinx it, Frankie.”
I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see me do it. Ollie was the kind of guy who believed wholeheartedly in jinxes. And bad omens. And lucky charms. And everything else that I thought was complete hooey.
Yet, he was my best friend.
“Fine,” I said between gritted teeth. “I won’t . . . jinx it. But can I ask just one thing?”
“What?” he asked.
“Why are we doing this again?” I asked.
Ollie stopped what he was doing and looked at me, exasperated. “Seriously?” he asked me like the answer was obvious. “Go big or go home, Frankie.”
Excerpt from The Infamous Frankie Lorde 3: No Admissions / Text copyright © 2022 by Brittany Geragotelis. Reproduced by permission from Pixel+Ink. All rights reserved.

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What do you think about The Infamous Frankie Lorde: No Admissions? Have you added it to your tbr yet? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous day!

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