Happy Thursday and welcome to my stop on the VAMPIRES NEVER GET OLD blog tour! This book is truly wonderful and I’m so so excited to share my review with you today, plus more info about the book and authors! And now without any further ado, let’s get to the review!
I received this book for free from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published on September 22, 2020 by Imprint
Genres: Anthology, Contemporary, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Magical Realism, Mystery, Paranormal, Retellings, Romance, YA, Queer
Pages: 320
Format: eARC
Source: Edelweiss
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Eleven fresh vampire stories from young adult fiction’s leading voices!
In this delicious new collection, you’ll find stories about lurking vampires of social media, rebellious vampires hungry for more than just blood, eager vampires coming out―and going out for their first kill―and other bold, breathtaking, dangerous, dreamy, eerie, iconic, powerful creatures of the night.
Welcome to the evolution of the vampire―and a revolution on the page.
Vampires Never Get Old includes stories by authors both bestselling and acclaimed, including Samira Ahmed, Dhonielle Clayton, Zoraida Córdova and Natalie C. Parker, Tessa Gratton, Heidi Heilig, Julie Murphy, Mark Oshiro, Rebecca Roanhorse, Laura Ruby, Victoria “V. E.” Schwab, and Kayla Whaley.
There’s a quote in Julie Murphy’s story, SENIOR YEAR SUCKS, that goes, “Turns out vampire slayers don’t need to be fat or skinny or any particular thing at all as long as they kick ass.”
This quote did not change my life. But it made it a little better. I can count on one hand the number of books I’ve read that feature a fat girl who loves herself and her body, and who doesn’t have any internal or external conflicts about whether or not she should lose weight or be “healthier” or whether or not it’s okay to love yourself when you look like me. But this story? This story was about a fat girl who kicked ass, and the conflict wasn’t that she was fat, or that she liked girls and boys, but just that the girl she wanted to kiss… happened to be a vampire. And she happened to be a vampire slayer. This story is the one I’ve been searching for, even before I knew that I was searching. So thank you, Julie Murphy, for giving that to me, and all the girls who look like me (especially the ones who, again like me, like boys and girls!)!!!

HELLO COLORS, I LOVE YOU! The pink/red gradient, the black and white text, the FONT, just YES! I do not, however, love skulls. I realize it works well for the story, but personally I just don’t like it, so I’m going to have to say that overall, this cover gets 9.5/10 stars!!!
- Retellings
- Vampire Stories
- Anthologies
- Buffy the Vampires Slayer
- Charmed
- Witches of East End
- Teen Wolf
- Heroes
- Shadowhunters
- iZombie
Not sure which show to watch first? Take this quiz and find out!
(Please note that there are more authors in this anthology, but Zoraida and Natalie edited it and Julie wrote the story that I reviewed, so that’s who I’m featuring today)
Zoraida Córdova
Zoraida Córdova is the author of many fantasy novels, including the award-winning Brooklyn Brujas series, Incendiary, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge: A Crash of Fate, and The Way to Rio Luna. Her short fiction has appeared in the New York Times bestselling anthology Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View, Star Wars: Clone Wars Stories of Light and Dark, and Come On In. She is the co-editor of Vampires Never Get Old. She is the co-host of the writing podcast, Deadline City, with Dhonielle Clayton. Zoraida was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador and raised in Queens, New York. When she’s not working on her next novel, she’s finding a new adventure.
Natalie C. Parker
Natalie C. Parker grew up in a Navy family finding home in coastal cities from Virginia to Japan. Now, she lives surprisingly far from any ocean on the Kansas prairie with her wife where she writes and edits books for teens including the acclaimed Seafire trilogy.
Julie Murphy
Julie Murphy lives in North Texas with her husband who loves her, her dog who adores her, and her cats who tolerate her. After several wonderful years in the library world, Julie now writes full-time.
When she’s not writing or reliving her reference desk glory days, she can be found watching made-for-TV movies, hunting for the perfect slice of cheese pizza, and planning her next great travel adventure.
She is also the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the young adult novels Dumplin’ (now a film on Netflix), Puddin’, Ramona Blue, and Side Effects May Vary. Dear Sweet Pea is her debut middle grade novel.
Zoraida Córdova
Twitter | Instagram | Website | Goodreads
Natalie C. Parker
Twitter | Instagram | Website | Goodreads
Julie Murphy
Twitter | Instagram | Website | Goodreads
What are your favorite anthologies? I didn’t use to like them that much, but now I LOVE THEM! Let me know some of your favorites in the comments and have a splendiferous day!
I have a copy on its way!