Welcome to my mini-challenge!
Hi! I’m totally borrowing this game from Epic Reads, who did a post about this back in 2019. Basically, in Let’s Call It a Doomsday by Katie Henry, the characters play a game called Five Word Books where they guess the book described in five words!
Today, we’re going to play the same way! I’ll describe ten books in five words, and you guess what books I’m talking about. Good luck!
[wp_quiz id=”15170″]
How many did you get right? Let me know in the comments and have a splendiferous readathon!
[…] I saw a post from Epic Reads the other day called “Can You Guess The Book Based On These Five-Word Summaries?” and after clicking on it and taking the quiz (I only missed 1!), I decided to try and make my own. I had tons of fun putting it together! You can see it for yourself right here! […]
This was fun! I didn’t get any right, and I’ve only read one of the books…..but I will return here to get some ideas to add to my future TBR list
Didn’t get any of these right. Interesting challenge and some interesting summaries.
I like this challenge, but I did not get any right. I actually haven’t heard of these books, which I kinda love. Thanks!
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Two right – Simon vs… and the Hank Green series! Not a great score, but that was fun!
This is such a cool game! I love your five-word pitches too!
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