
Mini Challenge: Vague Recollections | August 8, 2020

Posted August 7, 2020 by Kaity in Giveaways, Readathon / 22 Comments

Welcome to my mini-challenge!

Please pay attention as the rules of the game have CHANGED!!!

The mini-challenges are being held at specific times this readathon, and Vague Recollections is scheduled for HOUR 19! What does that mean? Well, you can read this post any time you like- from the time it publishes through when wordpress stops working someday- but you can only comment (and therefore enter to win a prize) between 2-4pm EST!!! Okay, that’s it for the changes. Now, if you want to read the story of how I came up with this idea, keep reading! Otherwise, turn to page 24 go down to where it says Part One and follow the instructions!

Fun fact: I work at a library. Technically, I work in the Children’s Room at a fairly large library. We frequently have patrons come in and ask about “that book, you know, where the main character did stuff and the cover was red, I think? Or maybe blue?” Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love helping people finding what they’re looking for, and decoding an extremely vague description like that -and finding the right book!- is an amazing feeling. And today you get to feel like that too!

This challenge will have two parts. For Part One, please leave a comment describing the book you’re currently reading (or your favorite book, or the book next to you, etc.) as vaguely as possible. Describe the cover if you like, or some plot points, or maybe just tell me what you think it’s called (even if you’re totally wrong). Try and be as vague as possible. Bonus bragging points for anyone who describes a popular book that stumps people. Here are a few examples to show you what I mean:

Example 1: You know, it’s that book with the people and stuff. There’s a school, and friends, and a necklace. I think the cover has a girl on it?

Example 2: I have a lot of friends who liked this book and I want to read it, too. I think there was a mountain or like a volcano or something? And they talked about food a lot. Sometimes there was dancing, or maybe just singing.

Example 3: I swear this was a movie or a tv show or… something? Something about a play, and there were those people that were in love maybe? The cover was definitely red. I think.

Click on the spoiler for the answer to the examples!

View Spoiler »

For Part Two, please comment on someone else’s description with what you think the book is. See how many you can get right and remember to have fun!

PLEASE don’t freak out if you don’t see your comment right away. I have to approve all of them before they appear, and I will get to them as soon as I can! So please only submit the comment once, and if you don’t see it show up after 15 minutes then resubmit! Thank you!

Complete Part One AND Part Two between 2pm and 4pm EST on August 8 for a chance to win a $10 gift card to Amazon!

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22 responses to “Mini Challenge: Vague Recollections | August 8, 2020

  1. Colleen B

    I think the book had a group of girls, they all had the same job, then something weird happened.

  2. Steph

    There’s like a bunch of housewives who I think read books and some weird guy shows up. There might be fruit on the cover.

  3. So there’s this boy, who’s pretty much a jerk and probably killed some people, and there’s this girl, who hates him and is maybe next. Except that maybe they actually really like each other so maybe they’ll live happily ever after or something.

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