
Mini Challenge: Vague Recollections | October 24, 2020

Posted October 24, 2020 by Kaity in Readathon, Vague Recollections / 40 Comments

Welcome to my mini-challenge!

Please pay attention as the rules of the game have CHANGED!!!

I LOVE hosting my Vague Recollections mini-challenge! I love it so much in fact that I started a weekly meme for it, which you can find more information on here! Now, if you want to read the story of how I came up with this idea, keep reading! Otherwise, turn to page 24 go down to where it says Part One and follow the instructions!

Fun fact: I work at a library. Technically, I work in the Children’s Room at a fairly large library. We frequently have patrons come in and ask about “that book, you know, where the main character did stuff and the cover was red, I think? Or maybe blue?” Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love helping people finding what they’re looking for, and decoding an extremely vague description like that -and finding the right book!- is an amazing feeling. And today you get to feel like that too!

This challenge will have two parts. For Part One, please leave a comment describing the book you’re currently reading (or your favorite book, or the book next to you, etc.) as vaguely as possible. Describe the cover if you like, or some plot points, or maybe just tell me what you think it’s called (even if you’re totally wrong). Try and be as vague as possible. Bonus bragging points for anyone who describes a popular book that stumps people. Here are a few examples to show you what I mean:

Example 1: You know, it’s that book with the people and stuff. There’s a school, and friends, and a necklace. I think the cover has a girl on it?

Example 2: I have a lot of friends who liked this book and I want to read it, too. I think there was a mountain or like a volcano or something? And they talked about food a lot. Sometimes there was dancing, or maybe just singing.

Example 3: I swear this was a movie or a tv show or… something? Something about a play, and there were those people that were in love maybe? The cover was definitely red. I think.

Click on the spoiler for the answer to the examples!

View Spoiler »

For Part Two, please comment on someone else’s description with what you think the book is. See how many you can get right and remember to have fun!

PLEASE don’t freak out if you don’t see your comment right away. I have to approve all of them before they appear, and I will get to them as soon as I can! So please only submit the comment once, and if you don’t see it show up after an hour or two then resubmit! Thank you!

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40 responses to “Mini Challenge: Vague Recollections | October 24, 2020

  1. This Brit –who used to do a show with the guy who played a doctor or something — wrote a book about a mentor — welp, that’s not how it’s spelled!

  2. Lara Maynard

    There’s a sort of batty fellow — not the superhero, though. Everyone knows it, I’m sure.


  3. Danielle Bowen

    I like the book about the girl who meets a queen, or maybe it was a king. Actually it might have been a joker. Everyone is a joker in this book. That includes the animals.

  4. Amy

    Y’know, the one written by… not a Brontë, the other one… there’s a bunch of sisters? I know that there are balls and weddings and lots of walking. The main character might be named Beth?

  5. Mine is a science fiction story, and there are people but they are mostly dead? But with computers or something. And they think there is a planet of the apes ready but really the spiders are inventing radios with ants. For religious reason?

    (I described it pretty exactly because I suspect it’s obscure)
    Beth Mitcham recently posted…Fall Dewey 24 Hour Readathon!My Profile

  6. Sabrina

    This old guy likes tofu, rice and kimchi. He forgets a lot but not the gruesome details. He has a daughter that isn’t his daughter and she might be in danger or not. I don’t know cause I can’t find the post-it.

  7. Danira

    It’s the book about dysfunctional family and the parents are on some yacht or sth like that as a prize for sth…. it was fairly popular, or not, am not sure anymore… but i know it’s thick.

  8. Roslyn K

    So I heard it started out as fanfiction? Or like it was posted online or something? It has to do with some kind of magical creature I think?

  9. Hmmm my book is from a manga series. I think there were two kids who are related to Satan or something? And they go to a special school. Only the school building isn’t what it seems. Also, I think there were clones. And I think there was a high-ranking demon on the cover…

  10. Apparently some woman didn’t leave the house for like 20 years. And she wore all white. And everyone thought she was weird. When she died her sister found a bunch of stuff she’d written down and decided “Why not do something with this?” So she convinced someone to publish it, and then my junior high English teacher was all into it.

  11. Marisa Bernardo

    So like there was some guy who discovered something in mportant and another guy who didn’t like that so he like killed him or something? And then there was a transformation I think. Like of body and perspective maybe I dunno. There’s a dog on the cover I know that one for sure!

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