Happy Turkey Day (if you’re in the US!) and welcome to my home for everything Thankfully Reading Weekend, hosted by Jenn’s Bookshelves!
I’m so excited to be back and posting about the Thankfully Reading Weekend again this year! I had a ton of fun participating last year, and I’m sure that this year will be even better. This is where I’ll post reading updates, general updates, and (possibly) challenge updates! TBH, it’ll probably be pretty similar to my Dewey’s update post. Okay! I’ll update this once the event starts.
Update One
Friday, November 29 3:42 pm EST:
The past few days I’ve been reading two things! The first is just a collection of some of my favorite fanfiction that I reread every year around the holidays, and the second is THE QUEEN OF NOTHING! AHHH!!! I can’t believe I’m finally going to find out the ending of Jude’s story! There was already a big surprise that I did not see coming and I’m only like 27% done! I’ll update this again later!
Update Two
Tuesday, December 3 10:41 am EST:
Well, I had a great reading weekend! I finished Queen of Nothing (OH MY GOD!!!!) and started Spellhacker by MK England. I also borrowed The Dead Queens Club (by Hannah Capin!) audiobook from my library, but I haven’t started listening to it yet. It’s been a snowy mess up here in Maine the past few days, and today is my first day back at work since last Tuesday! I think that’s probably the end of my updates, since technically the reading weekend ended on Sunday. Oops. Until next year!
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