Happy Tuesday!
Top Ten Tuesday is a Bookish Meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, and this week’s theme is AUTHORS I REALLY WANT TO READ BUT HAVEN’T YET!

Happy Tuesday!
Do you ever feel like your #tbr is filled with authors whose books you know you’d enjoy, but it’s just never the right time? Because I definitely do! There are a ton of authors (like 37) who have multiple books on my #tbr but who I’ve never actually read anything by. And I don’t know why, except that it’s just never the right time. For today’s list, I tried to focus on authors who have written at least three books (although a couple have only written two) that I could have read for at least the past six months. I’m looking forward to reading books by all of these authors soon!
And now without any further ado, here’s this week’s Top Ten Tuesday!

Which authors are you looking forward to reading (someday)? Let me know in the comments below and don’t forget to have a magical week!

I’ve thought about reading David Yoon, too. I hope you get to a few of these authors soon.
I only recognize Sophie Gonzales! So many authors with so many books, how are we ever going to get through them all!
Happy TTT!
Elza Reads
Mareli Thalwitzer recently posted…A Dozen Authors We Still Want to Lay an Egg On
I don’t recognise any of the author’s but hope you get to read them.
I don’t think I’ve read any of these authors, but I do hope that you enjoy them. Love the layout of this week’s post BTW!
I love Stacy Lee’s books. I hope you get to read them someday. I have the latest Kit Frick book on reserve. I’ve never read anything by her. Natalie @ Literary Rambles
I haven’t read any of these authors yet, but I hope you do enjoy their works.
Lydia recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Haven’t Read But Want To
Great list! I’ve got quite a few of these authors on my TBR as well and I’m hoping to get to them eventually—especially Sophie Gonzales and Jesse Q. Sutanto! I hope you enjoy all these authors whenever you pick up their books!
Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…#TopTenTuesday: New-to-Me Authors On My TBR
The two David Yoon books I read, I loved. I hope you love all of these authors when you get to them.
I have books on my shelves from authors I’ve read and loved before that I know I’ll enjoy that I still haven’t read yet because it’s just not the right time, never mind all the great authors out there still to discover! Ah the life of a bookworm. I’ve not read any of these authors before, but I hope you enjoy their books.
Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #363
I hope you enjoy reading these authors when you get the opportunity! I have a Randi Pink book on my TBR and hope to read it soon.
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create! recently posted…Good Girl Complex by Elle Kennedy: Book Review