Happy Tuesday!
Top Ten Tuesday is a Bookish Meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, and this week’s theme is BOOKISH WISHES!

Happy Tuesday! Technically the theme this week is Books I Hope Santa Brings Me or Bookish Wishes, but that post is always super awkward for me because there are books under my Christmas tree right now, but I don’t know what they are. And bookish wishes are so much fun! I granted a few back in June, and I’m planning on granting a few more today!
And now without any further ado, here’s this week’s Top Ten Tuesday!

(mine are all kindle books, so you don’t need my address and my email is in the description)
I organized the list by priority, but I don’t think it’s automatically loading that way. Under ‘Filter & Sort’ you can choose ‘Priority (High to Low)‘ to see my wish list!
Thank you!

What books did you wish for today? Let me know in the comments below and maybe you’ll get a surprise in your inbox! 😉 Don’t forget to have a splendiferous week!

I’m wishing for all Christmas rom-coms. I’ve been reading them all month and loving them. My top is A Season For Second Chances. Here’s my TTT if you’re interested: https://www.howdidthatbookend.com/top-ten-books-i-want-santa-to-bring/
I hope Santa is nice to you this year and brings you some of these wonderful books!
Merry Christmas!
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!
I hope you get a lot of great books for Christmas!
I found sharing my wishlist kind of awkward so I did a Christmas book tag instead!
Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #347-The Christmas Movie Book Tag
Addie Larue was such a good book, despite its rather slow start. Hoping you get all your wishes granted!
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
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