
Top Ten Tuesday | December 22, 2020 (Bookending Winter 2020)

Posted December 22, 2020 by Kaity in Bookending, Bookish Memes, TBR, Top Ten Tuesday / 9 Comments

Happy Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday is a Bookish Meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, and this week’s theme is BOOKS I HOPE TO FIND UNDER MY TREE! (SPOILER ALERT: THAT’S NOT WHAT I DID!)

I know that there are books under my Christmas tree right now. I have no idea what books they are though, so instead of guessing I’m just going to do a totally different topic!

For the past week or so I’ve been participating in Bookending Winter, hosted by Cuppa Clo and Fictionally Sam, and really enjoying it! Today’s topic is one of the most fun (and funny) blog posts I’ve ever written, and I hope that you’ll enjoy it as much as I did!

Google Translates My Favorite Books

Inspired by Jimmy Fallon’s popular segment, Choose your favorite Winter/Holiday reads and use google translate to translate it to a random foreign language and then back to English!

I went down my goodreads shelf of recently read books to find the titles that I thought would translate the worst, and after putting it through google translate a few times (because otherwise it would have only changed like one word), I had a list of book titles that were…. not at all what they started as.

And now without any further ado, here’s this week’s Top Ten Tuesday!

What google translate fail title was your favorite? I think Something, Female is mine, but two of my friends said they thought There is Kidney Failure was funnier. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and have a splendiferous week!

This is my fifth Bookending Winter 2020 Post! I’ll be posting more throughout the month, so keep your eye out for all the posts with this logo!

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9 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday | December 22, 2020 (Bookending Winter 2020)

  1. All of these are funny tbh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but I agree that kidney failure was funnier. I mean… nothing at all matches with the book title 😂

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